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One of the very first things I brought to light here in the gram was the concept of how I use safety bags or little EDCs (everyday carry) for my children. Since that day a multitude of conversations have happened. I’ve been humbled to watch so many of you walk out the same empowerment with your own children, grandchildren, students-I’ve heard stories that would make your heart soar and stories that would crush your soul. I’ve heard exclamations of agreement and the curiosity of why.

So, why is a safety bag a good thing?

Well, why wouldn’t we encourage our children to clean their own scrapes, to share bandaids on the playground. To practice using their compass in the yard, to build a shelter for fun using a mylar blanket and paracord. Why wouldn’t we make them crave illumination on a dark night and give them the tools to make it happen. To keep snacks on hand so they can offset their own blood sugar crash and the tantrums that follow. What’s the danger in teaching them how their soft armor could protect their vital organs if we ever found ourselves in a scary environment. Why shouldn’t my children understand the incredible blessing of access to clean water and know how to make their own if it came down to it?

My Takeaways

I’ve only witnessed the confidence that these bags have brought to their character. The way they hold themselves, the way they help others, the way they navigate adventures. I’ve only witnessed the abundance that they bring and the joy that resides within that feeling of “I have” versus “I lack”.

Just like my own EDC, their bags are constantly shifting and adjusting to reflect the changes in life.

What Bag Should We Use?

Also like everything else in life, these bags look different for everyone: a 10 inch backpack for the little tots, a stylish leather number for your preteen, or a compact fanny pack for your active little adventurer.

You've Got This!

The lessons tucked into these bags extend much further than how to use a tourniquet or start a fire. They are learning the good work of using their God given skill sets with some conscientious planning to be responsible human beings, self sufficient and aware of how to be caretakers and helpers as they walk through this messy beautiful life.


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