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Our Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies

making chocolate chip cookies

I stand by the belief that every family needs a favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe, A treat that delights, comforts, connects, and nourishes the soul. A smile on the face of anyone passing through the kitchen who notices the recipe card on the counter and the butter softening.

This chocolate chip cookie recipe has seen me through the last decade + of motherhood, and even before that, served as a perfect go-to for opportunities for hospitality, treats for friends, and so much more! My college roommate and I still laugh at the memory of her discovering me one weekday afternoon covered in flour in our shared kitchen with cookies covering the counters, admitting to her that I was "perfecting my cookie recipe" when she asked what I was up to!

My son waits for my to-go bag of cookies before his campouts, and my girls never miss an opportunity to stack cookies in a mason jar to gift to their coaches and instructors!

I'm finally sharing this recipe here for all to enjoy! I can't recall the source of origination, but it was definitely inspired by so many helpful and talented food bloggers! With a bit of changes over the years, I now confidently reach for this recipe time and time again, and I know you will too!


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